#RestoreDataRights Movement

Join the movement by signing or endorsing the declaration

#RestoreDataRights is a grassroots movement campaigning for African Governments to continue to respect and protect our fundamental human rights – particularly those exercised in cyberspace and over our personal data – during, and after, the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The campaign calls for people to have:

  1. The right to know: We call for transparency and inclusive decision-making on how data is being used to combat COVID-19
  2. The right to say no: We call for the right of people to consent to how their data is used to be upheld and for access to redress and accountability if things go wrong

Join the movement

Sign the Declaration, answer our Call to Action and use your voice to ensure that the COVID-19 pandemic is overcome in ways that uphold our fundamental human rights.

#RestoreDataRights Signatures

African Countries

How we solve this

#RestoreDataRights will:


Build Bridges

Build bridges between citizens, civil society and African governments to improve trust in how data is handled and used.



Amplify the importance of human rights and good data governance in Africa.



Advocate for the data rights of African citizens and societies to be protected and work in their interest.



Engage in open, inclusive and meaningful dialogue with partners across Africa around data rights in post-COVID Africa and work together to improve collective response in data governance.

Our Call to Action

Sign or express interest in the Declaration

We want everyone to endorse the Declaration to ensure that human rights in cyberspace and over personal data are upheld during and after the pandemic. We call upon:

Citizens and civil society to sign the #RestoreDataRights Declaration and commit to transparency, inclusivity and accountability of data governance in Africa.

Government representatives to express an interest in committing to transparency, inclusivity and accountability of data governance in Africa and start a dialogue with us.

Development partners to express an interest in committing to transparency, inclusivity and accountability of data governance in Africa and start a dialogue with us.

Why are we Different?

We are an Africa wide partnership of 5 initial countries covering Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa.
The map below provides an overview of the status of data rights regimes in Africa. You can click on the map to learn more.

Learn more about data rights

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